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Print still has a role to play in a paperless world
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In the modern world where competition across the globe is growing as costs are soaring, businesses are under pressure to be more efficient than ever. Yet at the same time, no company can afford to compromise their quality, security or customer experience. So, what’s the solution? 

Striking a balance is far from an easy task, but it is possible with the use of technologies which mean that moving towards paperless, or reducing the quantity of paper that companies rely on, can prove to be the answer that enterprises have been looking for.

Some of the world´s largest organisations have been quick to take up the opportunity of going paperless, such as the British National Health Service, who expect to achieve £4.4 billion in savings by 2020 with their digital transformation plan. Similarly, small and medium sized businesses are also getting on board with paperless.

Here, we explain why print still has a role to play and just why finding this balance is so important in an increasingly paperless world…


 1. Cut costs, gain efficiency

Money, money, money. Management have one major concern whenever it comes to business decisions and balancing paper with digital is an essential way for businesses to minimise costs. In this case, reducing paper usage, whilst not eliminating it entirely while there is still a necessity for some indispensable documents, is how a balance can save valuable funds. 

A study by KYOCERA with Loudhouse found that on average a single office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. Many of these are unnecessary. By cutting the amount of paper used in daily operations to only print documentation which must be in paper form, businesses not only reduce wastage, but also costs.

Driving productivity can also be achieved using digital methods, rather than paper, in many day to day tasks where documents end up being printed only to be edited and scanned again. eSigning of documentation is proven to reduce document turnaround times by as much as 80%, as revealed by a survey from Ombud, whilst 50% of an employees’ time is spent looking for files which could be easily stored and searched for on an online platform. It  eggars the question: Why haven’t organisations thought of this earlier?

What’s more, only printing documents that are essential also helps organisations in their objective to become more sustainable by reducing waste and energy consumption. In fact, companies can use this to their advantage. According to Unilever, one in three consumers prefer brands that are known to be sustainable; the perfect win-win situation.


 2. Combatting user resistance by combining solutions

For some workers, new technology can be pretty scary. Nightmares of robots coming in to replace them at their desk and take their job are far from the truth. That’s not to say that paper can be forgotten though and finding the perfect balance between paper and digital is essential on the journey towards a paperless office, and the answer, in many cases, lies in server-based print management solutions. 

These tools provide a more secure and efficient alternative to basic HyPAS options, as  llowed by KYOCERA’s basic software development platform for hardware devices. The role they play is to help manage print jobs, keeping organisations efficient and avoiding waste whilst also ensuring that all of the documentation that must be printed can be done so quickly and easily at a low cost. For example, the application of KYOCERA’s MyQ at the Czech Social Security Administration led to cost savings of €24 million over an eight-year period.

By centralising information in this way, server-based solutions give professionals the ability to access their print jobs digitally and co-ordinate workflows across teams and departments, particularly in larger organisations where Print & Follow systems no longer provide the detail needed. Affording such flexibility can offer real value to companies, whether a small or medium sized business or a large enterprise.

Retaining print in a transition towards more and more digital documentation not only makes sense practically and financially, but also helps to ease nerves of staff and avoids overwhelming them. Boosting efficiency in how firms print, without throwing employees in at the deep end, makes for a happy transition. 


3. Securing privacy

Privacy. Security. Legislation. Protection. They’re more than just buzz words, but real terms that add huge value to companies who cannot afford to lose or leak crucial information. If not planned carefully and pursued with high quality platforms, transitioning from paper towards digital can prove a risk to security if documents are not properly protected.

Both digitally and in print, ensuring data security is the number one priority for any company, even ahead of managing costs. In terms of paper, cutting-edge technology can guide all print jobs through secure servers to prevent information from being lost oraccessed by unauthorised users.

One example of this is in the phasing out of paper invoices, instead replacing them with e-invoices which can be sent more quickly and at a lower cost digitally. This highlights the need for digital files to be secure, but also shows why some customers demand paper alternatives. Being able to provide both, without compromising on security, is crucial.

Going paperless is a challenge. Ensuring that is executed securely and sustainably is essential to achieving the next step in digital transformation sucessfully. By combining paper with digital, organisations can find the most efficient and secure way to lead their company to success through cost saving and enhanced productivity.

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How lack of document storage space impacts enterprises

Our whitepaper explores how the chaos of poorly organised paperwork slows down document retrieval and business growth. Certain inefficiencies and pain points are the result of basic, yet common, issues as paper documents are still being stored on site in numerous businesses. The solution lies in technology like Content Services.

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