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Kyocera Document Solutions Europe and TA Triumph-Adler optimize logistics at European level


Zürich, 1 March 2024. Kyocera Document Solutions Europe and TA Triumph-Adler continue to improve their international logistic operations. The newly established Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V., based in Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands, with immediate effect, will now combine and coordinate their European management operations, replacing the previous Kyocera Document Solutions Europe B.V., in the EMEA region. This important step will significantly improve the efficiency of the logistic operations of both Kyocera Document Solutions Europe and TA Triumph-Adler national sales companies in the region, which will be coordinated by the newly created Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.

The joint logistics operations will enable both companies to effectively tackle the challenges of the global market environment: “This new development is extremely important for Kyocera Document Solutions Europe and TA Triumph-Adler, as it will  enhance our long term market competitiveness, as well as assist in reducing operational costs through improved international logistics efficiencies,” says Takuya Marubayashi, President, Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management.

The new European management organization will not only consolidate freight volumes at the European level but also gain greater group buying power through the increased purchasing synergies. With this development, the national sales companies in the region will benefit from future investments to accelerate business growth. It will also strengthen the group’s capability to respond faster to the market and business demands, and also fulfill the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements and regulations.

Brand structure and national companies unaffected by the changes

Takuya Marubayashi will continue to lead the new organization as President, as he has done since 2018. Christopher Rheidt, President of TA Triumph-Adler since 2016, will assume the role of Executive Vice President of this new organization starting 1 April, 2024. He will also remain President of TA Triumph-Adler. No further organizational changes are planned at Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management and TA Triumph-Adler. Under the umbrella of the newly established Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V., the national sales companies and the established brands, Kyocera, TA Triumph-Adler and UTAX will remain unchanged in their current organizations.

Christopher Rheidt confirms:“We are fully committed to our partners and customers and believe that these changes will enable us to be far better equipped to respond to their individual requirements with improved targeted and innovative solutions.”

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