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A large number of businesses are facing a new dilemma when it comes to handling their print output. Choosing between an in-house production printer and outsourcing print jobs can be a difficult task for up-and-coming businesses with increasing print volumes.
Some companies may still be on the fence about whether it’s worth investing in their own high-tech digital production printer, either because they are put off by the initial costs, or they are unaware of the various advantages that managing their printing on-site can bring. Despite these common doubts, it makes sense for firms to internalise their printing processes as it could help them cut costs and regain control over their output.
The digital production print industry is evolving rapidly, as manufacturers seek to provide more affordable solutions for businesses with higher-than-average printing needs. This growing trend among businesses can be backed up by a recent Markets and Markets study, which states that the production printer market is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 5.5% up to 2022.
Internally handling your company’s printing needs puts you in complete control
While extremely high-volume printing requirements are still predominantly met by third-party print service providers, switching to in-house printing would be beneficial to many types of companies for the following reasons:
Companies that prioritise data security will likely prefer to keep all their documents on site for printing, as handing over sensitive or confidential content to an external company raises a whole host of privacy concerns.
When companies have professional in-house printing equipment, they have complete control over who sees their information, whereas documents sent off site could potentially be lost, copied or stolen.
Given the value of production printing in industries such as finance and insurance, where security is more essential than ever, this is a key point for consideration. Sharing with third parties increases a company’s exposure to risk – something that cannot happen when handling private data.
Internally handling your company’s printing needs puts you in complete control of the whole printing operation, from start to finish. In-house printing enables companies to control not only the amount of prints that are needed for each project, but also the different budgets, timelines and modifications that each print job may require.
In addition, it provides greater flexibility for editing, as last-minute design changes can be implemented, and it is quick and easy to personalise data as required.This allows for tighter deadlines and gives teams ample time to work on projects.
What’s more, when a company decides to take printing matters into its own hands, it no longer has to worry about wasting time or money as a result of miscommunication errors with third-party service providers or problems that are out of their control.
Owning a high-speed production printer also gives companies the freedom to carry out their printing jobs whenever it suits them, instead of having to adapt to the availability and schedule of commercial printing companies.
Production printing devices are extremely reliable and provide quick turnaround times, which helps to increase overall efficiency, allowing businesses to consistently produce high volumes with minimal downtime.
This advantage is certainly appreciated when a company is on a very tight schedule to get a print job completed. Seeing as in-house printing gives companies control over their entire print output, they can organise projects according to priority and complete each one depending on how urgent it is. A preferred option as opposed to having to pay extra to get certain documents completed for a speedy delivery.
There’s no denying that outsourcing might be a suitable option for companies needing to print colossal volumes, or even for companies that simply do not want to deal with their printing processes. Delegating these responsibilities, however, can be expensive.
Print service providers need to make a profit for doing jobs that other companies choose not to. As with any service of this type, it costs money that could be spent in other ways whilst companies who externalise their printing are missing out on making economies of scale themselves.
The additional charges added onto final outsourcing bills drive up printing costs significantly, meaning that companies would save a substantial sum in the long term by investing in cutting-edge technology to internalise their printing jobs.
Download the eBook to learn more how the future of production printing belongs to inkjet.